Reddit kpoprants. Then people here have the audacity to claim that they are no longer allowed to criticize bts and army when that happens daily on all kpop subs. Reddit kpoprants

 Then people here have the audacity to claim that they are no longer allowed to criticize bts and army when that happens daily on all kpop subsReddit kpoprants  for us, kpop is also a hobby of supporting our faves

honestly if it was on r/kpopvents the comments might be nice, but I made a post calling out r/kpoprants and the mods deleted the post. kpop stan twitter "culture" has changed dramatically for the worst in the last couple of years and it's a shame that it's all that newer kpop fans know. OP and commenters are expected to have read the rules before posting. The ARMY fandom is chalk full of people who think they own the boys. Disappointed in Jackson. There are some "unpopular kpop opinions" questions where people just spread hate instead of actually stating opinions. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. Look at Kpop idols in the past who challenged the industry like Seo Taiji and Boys, Brown Eyed Girls, Lee Hyori, Mamamoo, Hyuna, Baby Vox etc. No posts about Oli London. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. That's the nature of music and art. i understand you dont see idols as real people, and that you dont care that they have feelings and relationships beyond what you want to twist their already highly curated on-camera personas into. Saying 'bless me' on live when she sneezed. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Lol people have different taste. Thank you for posting at r/kpoprants. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. For example, Idol does something racially insensitive, fan blames company. since this post was on r/kpoprants, there's a 75/25% chance that the comments will be civil. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. OP and commenters are expected to have read the rules before posting. They're also influencing the quality of merch which fans have noticed a decline of quality in. This year Dream's growth was much more visible. Follow Post and Title Guidelines 6. 31. ago. The semantics point to the difference between "I admit that I was wrong" to, "I'm apologizing to avoid backlash from people who think I'm wrong". OP and commenters are expected to have read the rules before posting. Thank you for posting at r/kpoprants. OP and commenters are expected to have read the rules before posting. OP and commenters are expected to have read the rules before posting. Users who speak out are getting banned, mods are on the defensive and the sub has been on a self-imposed lockdown for four days. If not, a removal without warning could happen. In fact, this is the first time I’ve ever boycotted a group and it’s hard. r/kpoppers is a subreddit for K-Pop fan-created content, lighthearted articles, funny K-Pop memes, and fun discussions about K-Pop. The Wa Da Da and “ohwohs” do not fit with the rest of the song. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. This controversy with Chanyeol wasn't really surprising considering that he used to be and is still friends with likes of Zico, JJY and Lee jonghyun who. PREFERENCES. The hate against Jimin, and lately Namjoon, is laced with homophobia, transphobia, that intersects with racist stereotypes towards Asians. Go to kpoprants r/kpoprants. But in some cases, I really find that Idols are unnecessary rude to some of their fans. appoint themselves the ult kpop guru or holy person to lecture you on captain-obvious. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. Part of the marketing in kpop is to do with sexuality. · 1m. When (some) Army say things like: "People only know your Faves because of BTS". Please keep all rants here. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. also: my only request for this paper is that I really hope you don't paint people who are fans of BTS to be mindless sheep/no social life. Facebook gives you white supremacist radicalisation, and on instagram you can find a nice smattering of people hurling racist abuse every single day for free. The action of a few old creeps, by extension should not cast all gg male stans as creepy. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Go to kpoprants r/kpoprants. Mods were rude and dismissive, put members on timeout, and eventually locked the server. The irony. “My sister is soooo annoying when she talks about kpop”. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. For kpop debut, the focus are always korean market unless your group consist of mostly non-korean members or from a country you want to capitalize support for example Secret Number, Black Swan. Go to kpoprants r/kpoprants. OP and commenters should have read over the rules before posting. Making a megathread on this because we don't actually allow general Twitter drama onto the sub at the moment (due to the constant and overwhelming nature of it) but this got big, since it involves two of the largest fandoms on social media: ARMY and Blinks. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. Racist, offensive, culturally. Thank you for posting at r/kpoprants. FUCK YOU guys, sincerely, from me, Kpoper Anti number 1. And it’s hard to talk about either of those problems without making feel like you’re attacking one group or the other, so it ends up creating the mess we see every ranking announcement. OP and commenters are expected to have read the rules before posting. Thank you for posting at r/kpoprants. OP and commenters are expected to have read the rules before posting. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Really f*cking tired of kpop stan twitter. And that made me not like him. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. Faking reactions in front of sunghoon. Skinship. Thank you for posting at r/kpoprants. It wouldn’t be so bad if more of it was constructive, but most of it just isn’t, and it’s basically the same repetitive points over and over. I made a post last week about how I’m always on the big 3 (thoughts, rants, and UKO). reddit opinions on Kai (Exo) : r/kpoprants. Thank you for posting at r/kpoprants. Pick me : A woman who claims or acts as if she is unlike most other women, in order to gain attention from men. and twomad managed to go to the concert when an actual Army. I really feel bad for the unfortunate souls out there that have to date a k-pop Stan. Premium Powerups Explore Gaming. Thank you for posting at r/kpoprants. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. Idols should not feel trapped in their groups just because they love and care about the other members. These rules and guidelines were created with the intention to provide you with the best experience while on this subreddit. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. im done with shippers. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. It Got To The fans. Just last week. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Thank you for posting at r/kpoprants. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. Subreddit Rules 1. 6K votes, 373 comments. However, in reality, they are the way they are, and they will likely just have to grow out of it, the same way we all grow out of bad habits, practices, and thought processes. I was scrolling through reels recently and kept getting bp (mainly jennie) fancams recommended to me. Thank you for posting at r/kpoprants. Once got 7 left JYP I started following his solo work more carefully and enjoyed it however there's 2 things that have really rubbed me the wrong way and I feel disappointed by these. I don’t understand why people waste so much energy critiquing groups like BTS, BP, Twice, etc. Male kpop fans, like me are often treated with contempt, hatred and disgust. Dispatch’s favourite day is approaching; they have been reporting celebrity couples for 7 consecutive New Years’ days. i mentioned some. Premium Powerups . Context on the issue for anyone out of the loop: Here's the post that broke the dam. When they started out as a Hip-Hop company, they did in fact produce (imo) real honest Hip-Hop. Many kpop stans are adopting conservative mindsets. Go to kpoprants r/kpoprants • by [deleted] Kpop stans on reddit need some morals and to make their hate boner to some groups less obvious . I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. It's funny, because the title of OP's post is "kpop stans don't understand how pannchoa works and it's so funny to me" when they clearly don't either lol. 2. I'm tired of BTS being the target of disgusting racial jokes, and armies of people ready to call Armys sensitive and saying they're "overreacting" when they call people out. OP and commenters are expected to have read the rules before posting. It really bothers me as a black person when I see stuff like this because the word crackhead has racist origins. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. OP and commenters should have read over the rules before posting. I hope this makes sense. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. All of the fandons of these groups (and more) have said that Twitter and Reddit have a hate boner for them, so either people are exaggeraring, or the two plataforms have a hate boner for every one of these groups. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. Kpoprants mostly operates as a pacifier for the other kpop subreddits (eg r/kpopthoughts , r/kpophelp discussion posts, r/kpop discussion posts) to get relief from the more angry/negative kpop discussion posts which tend to generate reports/more work for mods. Thank you for posting at r/kpoprants. Yes, Jennie is the most talked about in reddit, but in Instagram, Facebook and most especially twitter, Lisa trend the most and the most talked about. If not, a removal without warning could happen. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. If not, a removal without warning could happen. They feel a need to express their dislike for an idol’s performance, but they will never insult the idol, they’ll scapegoat someone else. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. Every single fanwar seemed like the biggest thing. OP and commenters are expected to have read the rules before posting. I just watched them perform at MIK Festival Paris literally 5 mins ago as I write this. Welcome to /r/kpoprants!. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you for posting at r/kpoprants. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you for posting at r/kpoprants. OP and commenters are expected to have read the rules before posting. Thank you for posting at r/kpoprants. i understand that you cant comprehend that fanservice isnt real and that not every look, touch and post is a hidden clue. It is ok to have your biases, favourite subunits and all, but from the moment you start attacking or downgrading some members just to lift your favs up, you lost your arguments to me. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. OP and commenters are expected to have read the rules before posting. We encourage you to read this to help better your understanding of our posting and commenting etiquette. OP and commenters are expected to have read the rules before posting. If not, a removal without warning could happen. Maybe unpopular opinion on Reddit but I actually like Jisoo and I think her voice is interesting and pretty nice. Wonder what this means for the overall future of the sub. On April 18th 2023, Reddit announced a policy change that will kill essentially every third-party Reddit app now operating, from Apollo to Reddit is Fun to BaconReader, leaving Reddit's official mobile app as the only usable option; an app widely regarded as poor quality, not handicap-accessible, and very. OP and commenters should have read over the rules before posting. Then people here have the audacity to claim that they are no longer allowed to criticize bts and army when that happens daily on all kpop subs. Thank you for posting at r/kpoprants. Thank you for posting at r/kpoprants. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. Now I know it’s a broad generalization to make BUT just looking at the political climate in Korea and the backlash against feminism by many young Korean men, its not far fetched. Creepy mod was eventually kicked out but it took a long time and a lot of pressure from the members. K-Quora is honestly bad. Go to kpoprants r/kpoprants. It is an old rule but people just didn't notice. i. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. 15. There is a conversation about how a lot of countries find same-sex stuff “hot” but don’t support it romantically. But people were too busy to care until BTS was announced. I’m 35, so definitely on the older side of the fandom. Sometimes art is created from an incredibly painful and dark place, sometimes it's born of love and joy. OP and commenters are expected to have read the rules before posting. As listeners, we grow with them or away from them. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. I can't believe this but the major kpop subs on here have a hate boner for some groups as BTS and BP, some groups more than others and BTS takes the cake as everything they do from a to z is made to be. If not, a removal without warning could happen. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. I agree that a lot of groups seem to be following the trend of releasing more EDM-heavy, ‘edgier’ songs recently, but a few years ago fresh/bright concepts were all the rage and most debuts followed. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Thank you for posting at r/kpoprants. Kpoprants just opened 2 days ago and bts and army are already dominating the conversation with the same tired takes. And all other fandoms seemed so antagonistic. uh this is gonna be a messy rant but like i feel like its not rlly a typical thing with other groups like we just silently fall out of stuff but with bts its like. Fanservice and queerbaiting are different things Fanservice exists. OP and commenters are expected to have read the rules before posting. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Thank you for posting at r/kpoprants. I hate the idea of implicitly guilting any idols, in any group, for any reason, into staying in situations that may not be the best for them just to “prove” to their fans that the group is a “real family. You Never Know : r/kpoprants. This is getting more filtered sales i. But then people started thinking Jae was being homophobic. on a post about bullying Reply hybehorre •. assuming all koreans are racist and awful people is ALSO not a good take. Thank you for posting at r/kpoprants. . I stay away from it. MEGATHREAD. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. In the gg male stan context, there are some creepy old fans who don't know or refuse to control their hands. The fact that SM seem to favour some members and under promote others within the same group, definitely give more fuel to the fire. by infireslifeu. A huge part of an idol’s life revolves around maintaining their fanbase— without constant communication, tact, and commitment to one’s fans, talent alone isn’t enough to keep a career afloat. They are currently on Arena level world tour and recently had a comeback with the album, The world ep 2. Thank you for posting at r/kpoprants. i've been a kpop fan since 2012 and been on twitter the entire time. As you may all know, Ateez is the only non big 4 boy group breaking records and stamping their name along with their peers. OP and commenters are expected to have read the rules before posting. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. This was Gaeun's last chance at her dreams - she worked hard, and the. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.